
The project “ Novel Mg-Ca-Zn biodegradable metallic materials used in orthopedic applications ” proposes the elaboration of biodegradable materials from the Mg-0.5Ca-xZn system for use in medical implantology. In the last decade, many researchers have made progress on biodegradable Mg-based alloys with applications in medicine. The unique chemical composition of these alloys offers all the premises of promising results regarding bone regeneration and the elimination of the 2nd surgery. The use of these elements leads to a considerable increase in corrosion resistance, biocompatibility and mechanical properties. The project has a strong multidisciplinary character, due to the complexity of the the studies will focus on testing this class of biodegradable materials through microstructural analysis (OM, SEM and XRD), tribological tests, electrochemical behavior in SBF, cell viability tests (in vitro analysis –MTT method) and in vivo analysis on laboratory model animals. These results will contribute to the certification of the preliminary information obtained and the confirmation of the controlled and biocompatible biodegradable character of the Mg-0.5Ca-xZn alloys used in orthopedics. The project aims to identify an optimum concentration of the Mg-0.5Ca-xZn system, to publish the results in international journals with ISI impact factor, to submit the patent documentation and to identify the users and manufacturers of biocompatible materials for the technological transfer.

General Objectives

The main objective of the project is obtaining new Mg-0.5Ca-xZn biodegradable materials with superior properties, verified by in vitro/in vivo analysis in order to be approved for usage as orthopedic implants. The production of such implants would contribute significantly to the development of orthopedic domain using biodegradable materials that are absorbed into the biological body by contributing to bone tissue regeneration. It is extremely important to respect all quality standards from alloys manufacturing in controlled atmosphere till in vitro/in vivo testing in specific cellular medium, respectively on laboratory animals, using standard protocols from the domain.

Specific objectives

  1. Development and experimental design of Mg-0.5Ca-xZn biodegradable materials, knowing the influence of each component, raw materials and the relevant scientific literature.
  2. Developing and obtaining biodegradable alloys using clear procedures, and ensuring repeatability of the alloys elaboration process and using advance equipments and methods.
  3. Complete characterization of biodegradable alloys for medical application: microstructural analysis, electrochemical and mechanical tests, in vitro/in vivo analysis on animal models.
  4. Identifying the optimal material properties which can be proposed for homologation.
  5. Results dissemination by publishing scientific articles with impact factor, patent documentation, participation to scientific conferences and  technological transfer to biomaterials manufacturers.


  • microstructural analysis reports, mechanical and electrochemical characteristics and in vitro / in vivo reports 
  • web page with constant updates of the obtained results
  • minimum 3 ISI Web of Knowledge papers – with impact factor above 2 (Q1/Q2)
  •  minimum  2 ISI Proceedings/BDI indexed papers
  • 1 patent application
  • particiapation at biomaterials profile national / international conferences 
  • dissemination workshop of the results and technological transfer to the business environment.

Meet Our Team

Istrate Bogdan
Cimpoesu Nicanor
TUIASI Marcelin-Benchea
Benchea Marcelin

Bălțatu Madălina-Simona

Dr. Bioinginer Cojocaru Florina-Daniela

Dr. Bioinginer
Cojocaru Florina-Daniela
UMF IAȘI Lupescu Ștefan-Constantin
Lupescu Ștefan-Constantin
Cimpoesu Ramona

Sef Lucrari dr. bioing. Bălan Vera

Sef Lucrari dr. bioing.
Bălan Vera

Dr. medic veterinar Henea Mădălina

Dr. medic veterinar
Henea Mădălina

Stage Reports