
Assoc. Prof. Istrate Bogdan graduated in a mathematics-informatics profile between 2003-2007 from the National College “A.T. Laurian” Botosani. Between 2007- 2011, I graduated from the University of Iasi, “Gheorghe Asachi” Technical University of Iasi, Faculty of Materials Science and Engineering, with a degree in Materials Engineering, as the head of promotion (graduation exam: 10, years of study average mark of 9.94). Since 2011, I have been studying for a Master’s degree in Diagnostics and Technical Expertise in Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi, Faculty of Mechanics, until July 2013, with an average graduation mark of 10. Continuing the same pace of knowledge accumulation, I started the admission process for doctoral studies. The doctoral studies (2013–2016) took place in the Doctoral School of the Faculty of Mechanics, Technical University “Gheorghe Asachi” of Iasi.


PhD Thesis - Materials Engineering - TUIASI - Faculty of Mechanics, Iasi (Romania) - "SUMMA CUM LAUDE"


Master Diploma - Mechanical Engineering - TUIASI - Faculty of Mechanics, Iasi - Diagnosis and Technical Expertise in Mechanical Engineering - Head of Promotion


Materials Science Engineer - TUIASI - Faculty of Materials Science, Iasi (Romania) - Materials Science - Head of Promotion

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0232-278-683, int: 2330


Str. Prof. Dr. Doc. Dimitrie Mangeron, Nr. 43, Iasi, 700050, UTTex building, room 14, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Iasi, Romania, 700050